
As a new real estate agent, you may be determined to help your clients get offers on their homes. However, there may come a time when you must end a professional relationship with property owners. This is a tough lesson to learn, but the guide below may help you navigate these challenging situations. 

When Should You Stop Working with a Client? 

Sometimes, clients disregard your pricing expertise and insist on selling their home above its market value. Consequently, you may spend disproportionately long hours on marketing and showing the property, which takes time and resources away from other clients. Despite all the extra work, the house may never sell. 

Other clients are too eager to sell and wish to avoid disclosing serious and expensive problems with the property, such as an unstable foundation or proneness to flooding. If you’re aware of these issues and sell the home anyway, you could be held liable if the buyers eventually sue.

There are even instances when clients are disrespectful and verbally abusive. Lack of professionalism is detrimental to your mental health. Ending such arrangements is often the only solution.

How Should You Terminate Partnerships With Home Sellers?

real estate agentContracts between real estate agents and clients vary according to state laws. If you want to cancel one, speak with a real estate lawyer to ensure you’re free to do so. 

If so, sit down with the client and politely reveal why you’re terminating the partnership. Don’t use “you” statements, which sound like accusations. Simply let them know your concerns and inform them that you think they may work better with someone else. Emphasize the point by referring them to other agents you have relationships with. Bring copies of your written exchanges to the meeting to show them if they dispute the facts. 

As a show of goodwill, avoid speaking poorly of your former client after the contract ends. Also, follow up a few weeks later to see if they got what they needed. 

To jump-start your career as a real estate agent, turn to EXIT Realty Upper Midwest. Based in Sioux Falls, SD, they have offices throughout the Midwest, including North and South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Their residual income business model means that every agent they partner with has the resources to succeed. They also provide training programs to help agents improve their skills. Learn more about their mentorship programs online, or call (651) 505-3570 to get started.
