
Veneers are effective solutions for a range of cosmetic issues, such as an uneven smile, staining, and chipping. As with all dental treatments, they must eventually be replaced. Luckily, taking care of them after application preserves them for as long as possible. Here is a guide on how to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

How Long do Veneers Last?

Generally, they last between 10 and 15 years. However, you may need to have them replaced earlier if you experience chipping and decay.

VeneersTo replace veneers, your dentist files down the existing covering to expose the teeth. They then make a mold of the area to create the new set. Once the solutions are created, the dentist calls you in for a second appointment to place the veneers.

How Can You Preserve Your Veneers?

Protecting them keeps them intact for longer. To avoid abrasions and chipping, use only soft-bristled toothbrushes and wear mouthguards when playing sports.

Tobacco products, like cigarettes and cigars, can lead to discoloration and gum irritation after continued use. Quitting tobacco can be difficult, but protects your smile in the long run. To further prevent yellowing, consume staining foods in moderation. For example, replace coffee and tomato-based sauces with green tea and creamy pasta sauces. 

Brushing twice a day and flossing daily help prevent cavities and decay. By maintaining a healthy smile, you make your cosmetic solutions last as long as possible.


Biannual professional cleanings also ensure the durability of cosmetic procedures. If you’re looking for a dentist in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, turn to Robert A. Klement, DDS. With over 30 years of experience, this family dentist provides a wide range of services to protect the health of your smile, including fillings and dental cleanings. Visit his website for more information about available procedures, or call (715) 421-3030 to schedule an appointment.
