
In the middle of the summer, your air conditioning system has to work extra hard to keep your home comfortable. Luckily, you can take some easy and inexpensive steps to help it run more efficiently, saving you money and keeping your space as cool as possible.

How to Make Your AC More Efficient in the Summer

1. Close Curtains

Sunlight creates heat, even when your windows and doors are closed. If you don’t need the natural light, close curtains or shades during the day to keep the sun out. You might even opt for insulated shades to trap more cool air inside.

2. Seal Gaps

air conditioningIf there are any drafty areas around the exterior of your home, cool air from your AC can escape and be replaced with warm outside air. These gaps are especially common around doors and windows, so check these areas and use caulk to fill them in.

3. Clean Vents

If furniture, dust, or pet hair covers your vents, cold air has a harder time circulating throughout your home. Clear these spots to let air flow more easily. Additionally, check your AC filter about once a month to make sure it’s free of dust and debris.

4. Use Appliances Strategically

Appliances like your stovetop and oven produce heat. Using them in the middle of the day when it’s hottest outside can force your AC into overdrive. Save those chores for the early morning or later in the day when the sun isn’t at its peak to make cooling your space easier.


Scheduling regular air conditioning inspections and preventive maintenance with PurAir Hawaii will also help your system run at maximum efficiency. The experienced team offers AC repair, maintenance, and installations as well as air duct cleaning, mold remediation, and dryer cleaning in Honolulu. See a comprehensive list of services online, or call (808) 589-2712 to schedule a free inspection.
