
When you have an unstable foundation, you run the risk of serious structural damage; as with many issues in the home, it will only get worse over time. There is a variety of conditions that can contribute to this problem, including soil compaction, freezing, and tree growth, and the results can be absolutely devastating. According to the contractors at Jaco Waterproofing, a Dayton and Cincinnati area foundation repair service, this is why it’s essential to know both the warning signs of an unstable foundation and how to fix it.

How do you know you have an unstable or failing foundation? There are several signs:

  • Inside The Home: Cracks in the drywall, concrete floors, or ceilings could indicate a failing foundation. Windows and doors that stick or have gaps could also be signs that you need foundation repairs.
  • Outside The Home: Visible cracks in the foundation require concrete sealers, and you should have a crew inspect your foundation for structural compromises. Collections of water and soil separation around the foundation are other warning signs that something could be wrong with your foundation, and if you notice fascia boards pulling away from the structure or a tilting chimney, the problem needs to be addressed immediately.
  • Basement:  If you notice that your basement floors slope or find a gap between your floors and walls, it's likely that your foundation is no longer stable.

What can Jaco Waterproofing do to fix unstable foundations? There are two main approaches to foundation piering:

  • Steel Pier Lifting: Best for issues that involve poor soil compaction, swelling clays, as well as erosion and run-off, this approach provides a permanent solution to the problem by installing steel piers that are not reliant on the soil for support. Each pier is tested for strength and designed specifically to take on the weight of the home. These are hydraulically driven into the soil, lifting the foundation to the proper height.
  • Helical Pier Lifting: This approach is most often used when limestone or load-bearing layers are not readily accessible. Relying on helical torque anchors, essentially large screw pile products, this approach is known for its fast installation, effectiveness at raising sinking foundations, and applicability in new construction.

Of course, if you are having foundation problems or suspect that you do, talk to the folks at Jaco Waterproofing about your options for foundation repairs. To learn more about the signs of and solutions to an unstable foundation, check out their website or call (317) 833-2108 today!
