
Ice on your air conditioning unit can be a jarring sight. After all, in the middle of the summer, ice is the last item you’d expect to see outside. This issue isn’t normal and indicates a problem that should be addressed by an air conditioning contractor. Here’s what could cause the problem and how it may be solved.

Restricted Airflow

Your air conditioning unit takes in air, cools it, and then circulates it throughout your home. The evaporator coil contains refrigerant that sustains temperatures of 10 to 20 degrees.

Incoming warm air prevents the evaporator from freezing over. If your system doesn’t take in enough air, however, the evaporator coil can become too cold and freeze. Insufficient airflow can result from several causes, including dirt on the coil or an air filter that’s clogged with dander and other debris.

air conditioning contractor Caldwell WVWhile these causes may only require a simple fix, such as cleaning or replacing the filter or coil, other reasons for insufficient airflow may warrant help from an air conditioning contractor. For instance, the blower fan could be malfunctioning and require a repair or replacement, or the air ducts may have collapsed and need to be replaced. 

Low Refrigerant

The refrigerant in your system is the key agent that brings the outside air down to a comfortable temperature. If the level of this chemical drops too low, the pressure in your air conditioner plummets, too.

Because decreases in pressure also lead to dropping temperature, insufficient refrigerant can lead to ice buildup. Under normal circumstances, your air conditioner is a closed-loop system. A leak, however, can allow refrigerant to seep out.

Signs of a refrigerant leak may include climbing energy bills, inadequate cooling, and a hissing sound emanating from the outdoor unit. In most cases, these leaks are simply caused by an aging system, as coils, lines, and joints can develop small cracks or holes. Fortunately, an air conditioning contractor can pinpoint the source of the leak and replace whichever component has become compromised.


If you’re experiencing an issue with your cooling system, turn to Total Tech for help. Serving Caldwell, WV, these air conditioning contractors have more than three decades of combined experience and are committed to keeping your home cool and comfortable. Explore their full list of services online or call (304) 645-4444 to schedule a service.
