
If a tooth is breaking, crowding your gums, or experiencing decay, a dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. However, for best results, this type of minor surgery requires patients to follow specific aftercare guidelines to prevent infections and ensure the mouth heals properly. Below is more information about what you should—and shouldn’t—do after tooth extraction.


Encourage clotting.

Bite down on the gauze or cotton padding the dentist provides you to absorb leakage. Press the swab against the extraction site for at least an hour after your appointment and avoid poking at the spot with your tongue. Although this is challenging, it prevents the gums from bleeding and protects against infection. For the next day or two, avoid strenuous exercise to minimize blood pressure and elevate your head above your heart to reduce blood flow toward the mouth. 

Apply ice packs.

After tooth extraction, your face may swell as white blood cells enter the region to fight off infection and repair the wound. Reduce swelling by applying an ice pack to the extraction site. Alternate between pressing it against your jaw for 15 minutes—and then removing it for 15 minutes—for the first two days. If you are still experiencing swelling after this, replace the ice with damp heat.


Smoke or use a straw.

tooth extractionSuction can loosen the clot, causing “dry sockets” that are painful and expose the underlying nerve. To avoid this, do not smoke or drink liquids from a straw for the first two days. Furthermore, the chemical in tobacco smoke can prevent effective clotting and worsen the wound. Avoid chewing tobacco during this period, as well.

Take aspirin.

Aspirin is a blood thinner that prevents blood from clotting effectively. Using it during the first two days after tooth extraction will interfere with clotting and extend the healing time required. If you need pain relief, take ibuprofen or the medication that your dentist prescribes. These pain relievers do not thin the blood or prevent clotting.


If you're having dental issues and suspect you need a tooth extraction, contact Patrick T. Hunter, DDS, an experienced dentist in Dayton, OH. He and his team have been serving patients throughout Montgomery County for more than 14 years. They also offer teeth whitening, crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, and gum treatments. Learn more about his services by visiting the practice’s website. Call (937) 890-8957 to schedule an appointment.
