
Severe knee injuries can be challenging for athletes to overcome, requiring extensive physical therapy or even surgery. If you participate in sports, do what you can to prevent these injuries so that you can stay active. Here are a few tips to follow before, during, and after the exercise.

How to Avoid Knee Injuries

1. Warm Up

Your knees need to be warmed up before rigorous exercise. A dynamic warmup will get your blood flowing and activate the tendons in your knee. You can jog a few laps around the basketball court, do jumping jacks on the sideline of the football field, or perform several sets of body weight squats before sprinting.

2. Stretch

Stretching will further warm up your knee joint, and after the workout, it’ll improve your muscles’ recovery. Lay on your back and perform hamstring stretches. This muscle runs behind the knee, so slowly lift a straightened leg toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch to the other leg.

knee injuriesNext, stand up straight, raise your foot toward the back of your thigh, and hold it. You should feel a deep stretch in your quadriceps above the knee. After, face a wall and extend one leg toward the base, creating a V-shape. Press your palms against the wall and lean forward until you feel a stretch along the back of your calf.

3. Strengthen

Strong leg muscles will support your knee and the surrounding area. Focus on strength-training, and target all parts of the legs, as well as the buttocks and lower back. If you’re on the field or at home, perform body weight squats since they don’t require equipment. In the gym, use a leg extension machine or perform clean and jerks with free weights. These exercises will prevent knee injuries and improve your athletic performance.

4. Know When to Take a Break

Stop what you’re doing if you feel dull pain in your knee. Your body is telling you that something isn’t right, and you don’t want to risk injuring the joint. Take a break from your sport or activity to monitor your knee for swelling, stiffness, and discomfort. You should see a sports medicine specialist if the pain continues after a few days of rest.


If you’re already experiencing knee injuries, contact Peter A. Matsuura, M.D., in Hilo, HI. Dr. Matsuura and his team are familiar with a variety of sports injuries, including those that affect the knee. They’ll perform a comprehensive exam to determine the underlying cause of the injury, then suggest treatment options. For more information about their services, visit the website or call (808) 969-3331.
