
A straight, even smile doesn’t always come naturally, and misaligned teeth can create a number of lasting complications. That’s why many children require braces. Here is a guide on when to schedule a trip to the orthodontist to ensure your child achieves a healthy smile.

What Braces Correct

Teeth may shift below the gum line, causing them to erupt outside of their natural position, which can lead to crowding, gaps, and bite issues. In children, these alignment issues can impact eating and speech development as well as promote gum disease and tooth decay.

Braces can resolve these issues by guiding the teeth into their proper positions. Traditional metal braces are commonly recommended to resolve alignment issues in children.

Alternatives like lingual braces that go on the back of the teeth or clear Invisalign® retainers only treat crowding and gaps, so they may not address all of your child’s problems.

When Children Should See an Orthodontist

orthodontist-hawaiiChildren should see an orthodontist once they’ve lost most of their baby teeth and the majority of their adult teeth have come in, usually between ages 8 and 14. Their pediatric dentist will also recommend when to see an orthodontist based on their knowledge of your child’s mouth.

Signs Your Child Needs Braces

Pay attention to early signs that your child needs braces to ensure you seek treatment at the right time. You may notice your child has trouble chewing or biting due to jaw misalignment. Their teeth may look crowded or jut forward or backward. Children who suck their thumb after age 4 are more likely to have misaligned teeth as well.


If it’s time for your child to see an orthodontist, turn to Honolulu Keiki Dental. Dr. Dean T. Sueda has been voted among the best pediatric dentists in Hawaii since 2009. He and his team provide a range of services, including preventative dentistry and emergency dental care. Learn more about the clinic’s specialties online, or call (808) 944-1603 to schedule an exam.
