
Root canal therapy is a common dental care procedure that’s surrounded by many myths. These usually keep patients from seeking the care they need, which eventually leads to more serious oral health complications. You’ll find some of the most prominent myths debunked below to ensure you don’t delay care when it’s needed.

Myths About Root Canal Therapy

1. It’s Painful

“Pain” is usually the first word people think of when they hear “root canal,” but the procedure is painless. Rather, it’s the pain related to the root canal infection that’s excruciating. During therapy, the dentist will completely numb the area around the tooth, and patients report nothing more than feeling dull pressure during the procedure. After, they’ll provide pain medication to help you through the first few days of recovery.

2. Extraction Is Better

Tooth extraction is always a last resort since losing a tooth can impact your speech, ability to eat, and cause the surrounding teeth to shift. Placing a crown on a tooth after root canal therapy is the far better option and will protect the tooth. Dental crowns can last 5-15 years with proper care, making them an excellent long-term solution and alternative to extraction.

3. Treatment Is Only Needed If You’re in Pain

root canalOne of the most damaging myths is that root canal therapy isn’t needed if you’re not in pain. People tend to apply this myth to all oral care issues, which is why so many go untreated. However, a root canal infection will only worsen when left untreated. Even if there’s no pain, bacteria can spread to other teeth, creating additional infections.

4. Treatment Causes Illnesses

Root canal therapy is needed when decay-causing bacteria enter the pulp chambers deep inside the tooth. There, they infect the pulp, creating severe pain and irritation. Dentists resolve an infection by removing the pulp, filling the chamber, and then applying a crown.

However, there is a misconception that the bacteria can be trapped beneath the crown and cause illness. There’s no evidence to support this, and the dentist will perform a thorough cleaning before sealing the root chambers and applying the crown.


Whether you need root canal therapy or just a checkup, dentist Mark Adler DDS of Northfield, OH, will assist you. Dr. Adler brings 30 years of experience to each patient, offering both general and cosmetic dentistry services. You can explore all of his services on his website and schedule an oral exam by calling (330) 468-3511 today.
