
Cutting back on your water usage offers a number of benefits—to the environment and your utility bills. Because septic pumping is completed based on the size and usage of your tank, you can save additional money in these services by conserving water. If you are looking to reduce your water usage and septic pumping needs, utilize the following preservation tips.  

How to Decrease Your Water Usage

1. Invest in a Water-Saving Toilet

If your current toilet no longer works optimally, consider upgrading to a water-saving model. While older toilets require anywhere from three to seven gallons of water to flush, newer, efficient models use just under two gallons. This can reduce your water consumption by nearly 60% every time you use it.

2. Fix Any Leaks

septic pumpingWhile a small drip may not seem to cause serious issues, this leak can add up over time. Not only do long-term drips require water to be continuously pumped into the home, but they can also impact the flow and pressure in other areas, such as your bathtub or dishwasher. Improve your water usage by having any persistent leaks evaluated and repaired by a professional.

3. Wash Full Laundry Loads

While it may seem more convenient to wash smaller loads of laundry for folding purposes, this actually wastes more water and can overwhelm your septic system. One full load of laundry uses 40 gallons of water on average, while multiple smaller loads will use double that due to the increased frequency of wash cycles.

4.  Adjust Showers 

You can cut back on your water usage in the shower by reducing your shower time and changing your showerhead. A 10-minute shower uses more than 100 gallons of water on average. Shorten your shower time and turn off the water when lathering. You can also install a low-pressure shower head to save close to 2,900 gallons of water per year.


If you’re looking for additional ways to save water and maintain your septic system, consult the team at Nick Driggers Pumping Service in Greensboro, NC. Whether you require septic pumping services or simply need installation or inspection, this team has the knowledge to keep your system running smoothly. To learn more about their services, visit them online, or call (336) 215-4408.
