
Since most children love sweets, cavities are common during childhood. If your family dentist discovers decay, they may recommend dental sealants to help your little one avoid future oral health issues. Learn more about what this option is to help you understand whether it might be right for your child.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Each tooth has a layer of protective enamel. When sugars and acids from foods and beverages sit on the surface of the teeth, bacteria can wear down this barrier. When the enamel weakens, cavities become more likely.

dentistWhen children get cavities, dentists often recommend applying dental sealants. Sealants are protective coatings that bond to the surface of the teeth, keeping decay-causing bacteria at bay. They protect against 80% of cavities for up to two years. After this period, the dentist can reapply the gel to help prevent decay for another two years.

Who Are They Recommended for?

Most dentists recommend this treatment for patients between the ages of six and 15. At these ages, the first molars, which are prone to cavities, have usually erupted. Sealants are more effective at preventing shallow cavities and strengthening enamel in areas where decay hasn’t developed yet.

If your child has deeper cavities or advanced decay, the professional may recommend reevaluating their oral care routine. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are the most effective ways to prevent future trouble. The dentist may also need to use a dental crown to save a tooth with advanced decay



If you’re interested in exploring dental sealants for your child, contact Mark Stephens DMD. Based in Richmond, KY, this dentist provides comprehensive services for patients of all ages. They offer preventive care, emergency treatment, and orthodontics to help with a range of needs. Learn more about their offerings on their website, or call (859) 626-0069 to schedule an exam. Connect on Facebook to learn more about their office.
