
Driving a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving a car. Because the openness of a motorcycle leaves you vulnerable and exposed, you’ll likely suffer some form of injury during an accident, even if you follow safety precautions—such as wearing appropriate safety gear and maintaining safe distances between your motorcycle and other vehicles. If you’re looking for a natural and effective alternative to pain killers or other intrusive medical treatments, consider the following benefits to chiropractic care following a motorcycle accident. 

3 Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries & How Chiropractic Care Can Help

1. Whiplash 

Whiplash is a soft tissue injury, resulting from an abrupt back-and-forth motion to your head and neck. Muscles and tendons of the neck are stretched and, in some cases, torn. 

This injury is common during vehicle accidents, but there are effective chiropractic care treatment options. Your chiropractor will perform an adjustment, where they apply a controlled force to your neck, to relieve muscle tension and restore your range of motion. They’ll also recommend exercises for you to do at home to speed up your recovery.

2. Back Injuries 

chiropractic careSpinal alignment is important for providing stability and support to your entire upper body. Those who ride motorcycles regularly maintain a hunched posture, which can cause spinal misalignment. This issue makes you more susceptible to back injuries, including herniated or slipped discs.

To treat these injuries, your chiropractor might employ intersegmental traction treatment by introducing passive motions in the spine to increase your mobility. During this treatment, you would lay on a specialized table while rollers rotate their way along your spinal column to elongate and stretch the joints and muscles. A chiropractor may also employ manipulation therapy by applying manual pressure to the spine for adjustment.

3. Hip Misalignment 

If you fall on your hip during a crash, you’ll likely suffer from a hip and pelvic misalignment. Because these areas are connected to your back, you might also experience back pain.

If your condition is severe, your chiropractor might try a high-velocity adjustment technique to realign your hip. Alternatively, if you have other health conditions, they might apply gentle and consistent pressure to the area. Like with whiplash, they’ll likely recommend stretches for you to do at home. They might also treat you with a spinal adjustment as misalignment often leads to hip pain.


Get back on the road with exceptional chiropractic care from West Chiropractic Clinic in Soldotna, AK. Their experienced chiropractors are prepared to treat a range of conditions and discomforts, including scoliosis, lower back pain, and neck injury. For nearly four decades, they’ve created personalized treatment plans for their patients to ensure careful and efficient recovery. Call (907) 262-9171 and book an appointment with one of their caring chiropractors. Read more about their treatments for accident victims online.
