
If your property is home to pests, it’s only natural for you to want to take some wildlife control measures. Unfortunately, many homeowners assume that their best option is a DIY trap, even though such actions aren’t necessary, and can actually do more harm than good. Here are just some reasons why you should enlist the help of professionals instead.

Why Shouldn’t You Use DIY Animal Traps?

1. They’re Inhumane

DIY traps tend to kill animals in cruel and unnecessarily painful ways. Additionally, the damage can go beyond the animal that was caught in the trap. For example, if the trapped animal was a mother raising its young, the dependent babies will likely starve to death. Humane wildlife control will safely relocate all animals to avoid such unfortunate outcomes.

2. They Pose a Safety Hazard

wildlife controlMany DIY traps use food to lure in rodents. Unfortunately, pets can also be attracted to such foods, thinking they're getting a treat, and end up getting hurt instead. Young children are also at risk, as they're naturally curious and like to explore their environments. A trap could look like a tempting toy, with painful results.

3. They Can Increase Your Exposure

DIY traps aren't only cruel, but they can also be ineffective. As a result, the animals may stay in your home for even longer. Many pests carry harmful diseases, but professional animal removal will quickly and effectively eliminate the problem to reduce your risk of exposure.


For humane wildlife control, you can count on American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT. Serving New Fairfield and Litchfield county residents since 1971, their humane work and comprehensive prevention services will help you keep pests out for good. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (860) 355-1231.
