
Many home buyers focus on the structure, not the property, when considering a home. It’s equally important to investigate the trees and foliage on your property, which is why many buyers hire a certified arborist as part of the home inspection process. These experts can save you a lot of money and stress down the road, and you’ll find everything you need to know on the topic below.

Why Is Inspecting the Trees Important?

Trees pose one of the greatest risks to your home. Falling branches can cause serious damage to your new property. Worse, if these problems were already existing and weren’t resolved before a storm, your homeowners insurance may not cover damages.

Many trees look perfectly safe and healthy on the outside, but you can never be sure without an expert’s opinion. A certified arborist is heavily trained in all aspects of tree care and will deliver the best assessment of the property. You can then determine what adjustments need to be made and negotiate the proposed cost with the seller.

What Do Arborists Look for During the Inspection?

arborist-cincinnatiArborists will first check for branches and trees that pose a threat to your home. Those hanging near power lines, over your roof, or over outdoor areas can all create problems. They’ll also check the soil around the base to see if there are signs of root weakness that may cause the tree to fall later.

These professionals will then look for signs of existing damage, such as termites or lightning strikes, that have significantly weakened the tree. Inspections also include looking for diseases, like blight, root rot, and blistering, that can kill a tree and then spread to others.

How Can Hiring Arborists Help?

Once an arborist has identified problems, they’ll recommend tree trimming or removal. They can strategically cut down dangerous branches while also maintaining the tree’s health.

If needed, they can also safely remove a diseased tree from your property and ensure that the disease isn’t able to spread. Many arborists establish tree care schedules with customers to keep their trees healthy year-round.


If you’re looking for an arborist in Cincinnati, OH, contact Dave & Aaron Stang's Certified Tree Care. These professionals are backed by 130 years of combined experience and address all aspects of tree care. Whether it’s tree pruning or trimming, stump grinding, or removal, they’ll keep your property safe. Call (513) 936-9777 to schedule an inspection and visit their website to learn more about their services.
