
A water supply full of minerals like calcium and magnesium is referred to as hard water. Leaving hard water-related issues untreated can lead to problems with your plumbing system. It’s crucial to recognize the signs of hard water so you can contact a reliable plumber to install a softener to help prevent further damage. Below are some of the most prevalent signs of hard water problems you may experience in your home. 

How to Identify the Signs of Hard Water

1. Noticeable Stains

Calcium, magnesium, and other minerals present in hard water will leave unsightly stains on your appliance and water-powered elements. Brown or yellow stains on faucets, taps, and in your bathtub are sure indicators of hard water that may contain iron. These iron stains are sometimes caused by water that has run through rusted pipes and can be exceptionally hard to remove.

2. Clogged & Damaged Pipes

Hard water contributes to a buildup of mineral deposits inside your plumbing system. Pipes made of metal, like steel, can be corroded by these minerals. Over time, this corrosion can cause leaks. Even PVC pipes can become clogged by mineral deposits, leading to poor water pressure and supply.

3. Negative Effects On Skin & Hair

plumbingMinerals can be good for your body, but bathing in high concentrations of them on a regular basis can be damaging to your skin and hair. These particles draw moisture and oils away from your body, causing dry hair and flaky, irritated skin.

4. Damaged Clothes & Dishes

Hard minerals are abrasive and tough on fabrics, contributing to faster color fading in your clothing. They’ll also leave mineral deposits on your dishes when you wash them. This is especially true for dishwashers where water is left to dry on plates, cups, and silverware.

5. Lowered Efficiency

The buildup of mineral deposits in your plumbing system also causes your energy bills to increase. Because the water has to travel through a restricted pathway, your system will have to work harder to push water through to your taps and faucets. The strenuous water flow will result in higher bills and less-than-satisfying water pressure.


If you’re suffering the effects of hard water, turn to the experts at Snyder Mechanical in Elko, NV. These technicians have over 30 years of plumbing experience and can install a water softener to help mitigate these issues. These professional plumbing and HVAC contractors provide 24/7 emergency response for all services. Learn more about them online, and call (775) 738-5616 for an appointment.
