
The coronavirus pandemic’s effects have permeated life the world over, impacting everything from the economy to healthcare. One of the most significant impacts for Americans, in particular, has been the loss of work in the form of lay-offs, salary cuts, and shuttered businesses. If you’ve been financially affected by COVID-19, a financial planner can help. Here’s how.

How a Financial Planner Can Help You Now

Adapting & Budgeting

Whether you had to temporarily close shop on your small business or your employer reduced your hours, the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted your income. In order to move forward, adapting is crucial. A financial planner can help you establish a budget incorporating your new income. This can include an assessment of your current spending to determine where to make cutbacks to ensure you can continue to provide the essentials for your household.

Planning for the Future

If you’re one of the millions of Americans looking for a new job after being laid off as a result of COVID-19, a financial planner can help you decide what to look for in your job search. The pandemic and recession have highlighted the importance of benefits like health and life insurance, necessities you should seek in a new position.

Headquartered in Lexington, KY, the financial advisors and investment planners of Family Financial Partners have helped numerous clients with adapting to economic and career changes since 2005. Call (859) 219-1006 for an initial consultation or go online to learn how they can help you today. You can also visit for more information about financial plans tailored to your unique stage of life.
