
If you need new windows, consider just installing window inserts within the existing frames. These acrylic panes fit into existing window frames and have compression tubes that hold them in place, eliminating the need for hardware. Here are some of the benefits of these inserts for homes.

4 Reasons to Consider Window Inserts

1. Increase Comfort

If your home isn’t warm enough during the winter or cool enough during the summer, you could benefit from window inserts. They contain compression tubes, which provide reliable seals. You’ll no longer have to deal with drafts or sacrifice your comfort.

2. Lower Energy Bills

Are you tired of spending a fortune on your electricity bills every month? If so, it may be time to invest in window inserts. By preventing drafts, they can help your HVAC system not work as hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. This will ultimately lower your heating and cooling bills.

3. Reduce Noise

window insertsWhen you’re trying to relax inside your home, it’s frustrating to hear exterior sounds, like traffic and garbage collection. By investing in window inserts, you can reduce or eliminate this issue. The inserts can reduce outside noise by acting as a muffle. 

4. Add Privacy

If you like your privacy, you have another reason to install window inserts. Privacy grade inserts contain clouded acrylic that blocks out what people outside can see inside your home. No one will be able to see what you do in the privacy of your own home. Black out panels are also available if you happen to work at night and sleep during the day. These panels provide more light blocking than curtains do.


If you want to install window inserts, turn to the professionals at Farnum Insulators in East Dummerston, VT. The company has been providing homeowners and businesses with exceptional insulation services since 2003. From inserts for your windows to spray foam insulation and cellulose insulation, they offer a variety of products designed to save energy and increase comfort. If you would like to learn more information about their services, call (802) 387-5005 or visit their website.
