
When you show up to the office each morning, you focus on meeting your deadlines and impressing your superiors. However, being harassed by a coworker, boss, or third party vendor while in the process affects your personal life and prevents you from reaching professional goals. Below are some of the most common types of workplace harassment.

A Guide to Workplace Harassment

1. Discriminatory

This form of intimidation involves discrimination based on personal characteristics. For example, someone may annoy you because of your race, gender, religion, age, or sexual orientation, or disability. This can take place in many forms, such as if an employer denies you a job or promotion, fires you, or directs an offensive joke or picture toward you. If you face any of these instances, you may be a victim of discriminatory harassment.

2. Physical

harassmentWhile this form of persecution uses physical violence, it also has emotional and mental consequences. If someone pushes, hits, or throws something at you in the workplace, you can file a claim. Additionally, if a coworker damages or destroys your property—such as your desk or framed degree—you are also a victim of physical intimidation. Even the threat of physical harm is physical harassment, and you can pursue a case against the offender. 

3. Sexual

One of the more extreme forms of sexual harassment is “quid pro quo,” where a person in power uses sexual activity as part of an exchange. For example, a superior might request a sexual act in exchange for a promotion. However, it can also be subtle, such as inappropriate touching or physical proximity, as well as lewd remarks, jokes, or gestures. Both men and women can be victims of this.


There's no room for harassment in the workplace, which is why the five attorneys at Kirksey Law Firm LLC are proud to help clients file the appropriate lawsuits. This Bolivar, MO, team will assess all the details of your employment discrimination circumstances, and come up with a strategy for justice. Their attorneys also cater to family law,  personal injuries, and traffic violations throughout southern Missouri, from Stone County to Gasconade County. To learn more about their practice areas, visit the website. Call (417) 326-4529 to schedule a consultation. 
