
Summer is here, which means you’re likely gearing up for a season full of your favorite activities. Before you can make the most of the months ahead, though, it’s in your best interest to schedule an appointment with your chiropractor. They’ll help you get in great shape so that you can enjoy the following activities pain-free. 

3 Summer Activities You Can Prepare for With the Help of Your Chiropractor 

1. Gardening

During the warmer months of the year, flowers and shrubbery start to bloom. They also require extensive care, and for those with a green thumb, this can lead to hours in the garden. However, bending over, raking, digging, and otherwise maintaining your property can put excess strain on your back. Seeing a chiropractor before summer hits will give you a chance to learn about spinal exercises that will help strengthen your back, so you can spend more hours doing what you love. 

2. Water Skiing

chiropractorFor many, summer is a time to get out on the ocean or lake and enjoy a variety of activities, from surfing and wake boarding to jet skiing and water skiing. To do this safely, though, you need excellent balance. A chiropractor can offer alignments to ensure your spine is aligned, as well as core exercises to help you maintain balance while on the water. 

3. Relaxing

During the summer, it’s common for things to slow down a bit, with vacations, long weekends, and relaxation. However, sitting, lying down, or sleeping for too long can harm your posture and your back. A chiropractor can help to mitigate these effects by treating any existing issues before they have a chance to worsen.


If you need help getting ready for summer, turn to the team at Broeg Chiropractic & Nutrition Center. Based in Florence, KY, this family-owned and -operated practice is staffed with knowledgeable chiropractors who are proud to offer a broad range of effective services. Call (859) 525-2020 or visit them online to learn more. 
