
Reading stories is a popular part of the bedtime routine. Not only does it help your little one to relax, but it also provides an opportunity to enjoy some quality time before they fall asleep. Reading bedtime stories offers a number of hard-to-beat benefits that could have a positive impact on early childhood development. Consider the following to determine why you should continue this tradition with your children.

Why You Should Read to Children Before Bed

1. Encourages Imagination

With the variety of electronic stimulants children encounter throughout the day, your little ones may not find a lot of time to use their imaginations. Reading produces the ideal environment. As they listen to the words, they’ll begin to picture what’s happening and come up with their own interpretation of how things look in the story. This boosts creative thinking and encourages using their imagination in everyday play.

2. Improves Language

early childhood educationLifestyle can limit the language portion of early childhood development. Children who only interact with a certain number of people will be exposed to fewer words through conversations. 

Reading introduces them to an entirely new world. Every author has a unique way of writing, inserting a small part of their language and speech mannerisms into the pages. This serves to broaden your little one’s understanding and increases their vocabulary.

3. Teachable Moments

Getting your little one’s attention can be a challenge, making it difficult to find teachable moments during early childhood development. Reading creates a time for focus and quiet. Select books that present particular subjects you’d like to expose your children to, such as sharing, helping, and working well with others. Talk about the different choices that each character makes to help them understand the importance of each lesson.


Since 1967, Guilford Child Development has been providing quality child care services to residents of Greensboro, NC. They offer an assortment of early childhood development programs and maintain a staff of caring, licensed professionals to oversee each group. Recognized as one of the region’s largest non-profit organizations, they keep their rates low and serve more than 6,000 families each year. Call (336) 887-8224 to request a tour or visit their website for additional program information.
