
Starting a family is a dream for many couples. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy. While many people consider fertility treatments primarily a women’s health issue, infertility affects men just as much as women. To inform you, here are four common myths about male fertility debunked. 

4 Myths About Men & Fertility Treatments 

1. Testosterone Supplements Are Beneficial 

Testosterone is a hormone found in higher amounts in males. Some men take a testosterone supplement to improve athletic performance or the production of lean muscle mass.

However, while it can increase energy and sex drive, it won’t improve fertility. Supplemental testosterone suppresses the body’s natural production of the hormone, which can cause the body to stop producing sperm. Instead of testosterone, men might consider taking folic acid, vitamin E, or Coenzyme Q10 in conjunction with other fertility treatments. 

2. Age Isn’t a Factor 

A lot is said about women’s “biological clocks” and difficulty conceiving after age 30, but men aren’t immune to age-related challenges either. Men over 35 may also experience decreased fertility, particularly if they have other risk factors, such as using tobacco products or drinking heavily. Obesity can make conception more difficult as well. If you’re a man over the age of 35, consider seeing a fertility doctor if you wish to conceive. 

3. Heat Doesn’t Impact Fertility 

fertility-treatment-honolulu-HIAnything that overheats the testicles may affect sperm count, quality, or mobility. Laptops are the most common example of a heat-inducing object that can decrease sperm quality and mobility. Put your computer on a desk or, if using it on your lap, place something underneath it to shield your groin.

Likewise, avoid putting your phone in your front pocket, particularly on hot days. Limit time in saunas, hot tubs, and heated car seats, and avoid wearing tight underwear in the summer or while working out.

4. Only Hard Drugs Are Detrimental 

Drugs of any kind, whether recreational or prescription, can affect your health, including reproductive wellness. While you might expect that hard drugs, such as cocaine, can decrease sperm count and quality, other drugs, including anabolic steroids, can adversely affect your ability to conceive. Prescription drugs, including antibiotics and blood pressure medicine, can also have an impact.  


If you’re an Oahu resident hoping to start a family, turn to Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute in Honolulu for compassionate, experienced care. Their team provides a range of fertility treatments, including in vitro, fertility preservation, and assistance with LGBTQIA+ conception. Call (808) 946-2226 to schedule a consultation with an infertility specialist. Visit the website to learn more about how they can help your family. 
