
When you own a business, keeping it safe and secure is a top priority. Since it’s impossible to physically monitor every area of the premises 24 hours a day, many business owners invest in video surveillance systems to prevent criminal activity. Using security cameras effectively requires placing them in the right locations, and determining whether to keep them hidden or visible is an important related decision. Below is an overview of what to consider before choosing either option and a few ideas on how to set them up.

Pros & Cons

Hidden Cameras

While they may not necessarily deter crime, hidden security cameras are useful for gathering information. For instance, if you need evidence to prove an employee is committing theft in the workplace, you can monitor their actions without them being aware and use the video to support your claims. Hidden cameras are also less likely to be disabled or vandalized, allowing you to get many years out of your investment.

However, there are stringent laws on where hidden cameras can be placed, and failing to comply can result in serious and expensive legal trouble.

Visible Cameras

Visible security cameras are more successful at discouraging unlawful activities. In many cases, spotting a camera is enough to keep criminals from targeting your business since they don’t want to get caught.

On the other hand, visible cameras are at increased risk of being broken or disabled, rendering them useless in an investigation. It’s also more difficult to catch someone committing a crime when they know they’re being recorded.

Where to Install Them

security camerasPointing your security cameras in the wrong direction will defeat their purpose. Whether they’re hidden or visible, the best places to install cameras include all the entrances to your business, the reception area, work stations, points of sale, the storage room, loading docks, parking lots, and back alleys.

Should you decide to go with hidden cameras, they can be positioned in plants, electrical outlets, clocks, picture frames, and smoke detectors. Keep in mind that you must check your state’s laws regarding the placement of concealed cameras.


If you want to ensure maximum protection for your business, turn to API Security in Honolulu, HI. They offer high-quality video surveillance equipment and will help you find and set up the most suitable security cameras for your property. This locally owned and operated company has provided business owners across Oahu with security solutions for more than two decades. Call (808) 593-1125 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to learn more about their services.
