
Many adults get nervous before routine dental checkups, causing them to skip the visit altogether. While it’s normal to feel apprehensive about seeing the dentist, you shouldn’t let it hinder your oral health. Here’s what you need to know to help you manage your feelings.

What Are the Signs of Dental Anxiety?

If you aren’t sure if you have dental anxiety, think about how going to the dentist makes you feel. Some adults with this condition experience stress with the thought of an appointment while others fixate on the worst possible outcomes. Dental anxiety may also manifest as physical symptoms, like sweating and a racing heartbeat.

What Causes It?

dentistEvery adult is unique, so there are several possibilities that may cause nervousness. Some people dislike the feeling of the dental tools against their teeth, while others may be intimidated by the bright lights and foreign sounds. If you aren’t sure what causes your anxiety, ask yourself which part of the appointment you aren’t looking forward to. The root of your feelings is likely tied to it.

How Can I Manage My Dental Anxiety?

Remind yourself that oral care is an essential part of your overall well-being. Professional dental cleanings are more thorough than your everyday brushings, and the team will remove stubborn plaque from hard-to-reach places.

Communicate your feelings to the dentist, as they can explain any part of the process so that you know what to expect. They can also work with you to create a hand sign, so you can signal them if you want to take a break. Do yoga at home and practice deep breathing in the waiting room to calm yourself before the appointment. If you’re bothered by the sounds of a dental office, listen to music during the cleaning to block the noise.


If you’re overdue for a dental visit, contact the friendly team at Chinook Family Dentistry in Anchorage, AK. These experienced professionals will answer any questions you may have, taking the time to ease your nerves before the appointment. To get more information about how they can facilitate your visit, send a message online or call (907) 272-8422.
