
The benefits of vitamin D are highly touted. While many people feel that the only significant way they can get enough is to take a supplement, sunlight exposure is far more effective. Spending quality time in natural lighting can make an enormous difference in people of all ages, but because seniors are at a higher risk of suffering lower levels of the beneficial vitamin, it could be particularly helpful to them. Here’s why you should make regular sun exposure a part of your loved one’s elderly care routine.

Why Natural Light Is Vital for Health

1. It May Combat Depression

Studies have shown that vitamin D may have a significant impact on reducing depression and improving mood. In fact, light therapy is often used to treat people who suffer from seasonal depression.

It’s thought to be effective because it helps regulate serotonin levels in the body, which can normalize depressive symptoms. Sunlight stimulates the body to release serotonin and may help people feel happier.

2. It Improves Bone Health

Stamford, CT elderly carePeople involved in elderly care must be especially mindful of osteoporosis, a condition that causes the bones to lose their integrity. It can happen to anyone, but senior women are particularly vulnerable. With enough sunlight exposure, however, people may be able to strengthen their bones naturally. Vitamin D can also help individuals manage their symptoms more effectively.

3. It May Improve Diet

While sunlight can’t completely change someone’s diet, it may have some impact on their desire to eat sugary foods high in carbohydrates. This is particularly important for those involved in elderly care, as seniors must be especially mindful of what they eat.

The connection is significant: sugary foods temporarily cause serotonin levels to spike. When they’re low, people naturally crave something sweet to compensate. Because sunlight causes serotonin levels to increase, it may minimize the cravings.


Are you seeking a safe elderly care facility for your loved one? Consider Sunshine Senior Residence in Stamford and Norwalk, CT. Every resident is treated with dignity, respect, and compassion. They offer four convenient locations, including Forrest Hill Residence, Lake Claire Residence, Old Logging Residence, and Forest Hill Residence. Not only are these senior living facilities comfortable, but they also feature backyards where people can relax, sit outside, and enjoy the natural light. Visit their website for more information, or call (203) 517-0440 to speak with a representative.
