
As summer approaches, many people may want to spend their free time out on the water. But if you’re thinking of purchasing a boat, it’s important to realize that while these crafts are often used for recreation, they are still vehicles that face a variety of risks. A solid insurance policy can help cover financial losses caused by these threats, such as theft, vandalism, passenger injury, and collisions. To help you give your recreational vehicle the most reliable coverage, below are a few tips to keep in mind when buying boat insurance.    

5 Tips for Boat Insurance Policyholders

1. Know the Value of Your Vehicle

If your vessel is totaled due to a major collision or taking on too much water, your insurance policy may help pay for a replacement, but only up to a certain amount. If you don’t want to pay a hefty out-of-pocket amount to get a new boat, make sure the “total replacement value” listed on your policy accurately reflects the cost of the vehicle.

2. Compare Coverage Types

insuranceSimilar to auto insurance, there are many types of boat coverage. Third-party liability plans are standard and will cover costs related to damage or injuries that you cause. Hull policies, on the other hand, are designed to only cover losses related to property damage, including your own. There are also specific policy types that can cover different types of boats, such as yachts and commercial fishing vessels.

3. Rethink the Length of Your Policy

If your policy isn’t active when your boat is in storage, you won’t be able to make any claims for damages that occur during this time. If you want to have year-round peace of mind but enjoy some savings when your boat isn’t in use, talk to your insurance agent about offseason rates.

4. Take Proper Safety Precautions

If you’re liable for an accident, injured parties may be able to sue you for damages. While insurance will cover related medical and legal costs up to a certain amount, it’s still best to avoid these claims by investing in recommended safety solutions. This includes making sure to drive sober, keeping a first-aid kit on deck, and requiring all passengers to wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket.

5. Ask About Discounts

There are many different discounts your insurance company may provide to help you save on premiums. For example, you can usually save by bundling your boat policy with your homeowners and auto insurance. You might also cut costs by upgrading the vessel’s safety gear, maintaining a positive boating record, or taking an operator course.


Before you get on your boat this summer, talk to the Quinn Agency in Meadville, PA. This Nationwide® agency will introduce you to nationally-recognized coverage that’s competitively priced. Taking a personalized approach, Jeffrey T. Quinn and his team will also help you cover your watercraft to address your specific concerns. To learn more about their recreational vehicle policy options and other products, visit this local insurance company online. For a free quote, call (814) 337-2766.
