
People across the nation are staying at home as much as possible during the COVID-19 outbreak. Maintaining proper oral hygiene during this time can help prevent dental health problems, safeguarding your teeth and gums until you’re comfortable visiting the dentist. Follow the tips below to keep your smile shining while you stay safe.

How to Maintain Your Oral Health at Home

1. Brush Twice a Day

Brushing removes bacteria and plaque, contributors of cavities and gum disease, from the surfaces of your teeth. Brush twice a day, preferably after meals. Do so for two minutes, devoting around 30 seconds to each quadrant of your mouth.

2. Floss Every Night

dentistFlossing removes bits of food and bacteria from between the teeth, where a toothbrush can’t reach. Floss before bed, after you’re done eating for the day.

Hold around 18 inches of string floss tight between your index fingers, with one end wrapped around each. Work the string up and down each tooth in a C-shape. Follow with brushing.

3. Use a Mouth Rinse

Follow brushing and flossing with mouthwash to help prevent plaque buildup. Pour out the amount of liquid recommended on the product package—usually a full cap—and swish it in your mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit it out when you're done and avoid rinsing.

4. Eat a Smile-Friendly Diet

What you eat impacts your oral health. Sugary foods and drinks, including soda, baked goods, and candy, attract cavity-causing bacteria. Limit your intake to 6 to 9 teaspoons per day.

Include calcium from dairy or vegan milk in your diet, as this mineral strengthens the teeth. Vitamin C, included in broccoli and white potatoes, helps build strong gum tissue and prevent periodontitis



Biannual dental cleanings at the dentist also help you maintain your oral health. North Bullitt Family Dental of Shepherdsville, KY, has been serving the Louisville area for over 20 years. This full-service clinic offers everything from tooth extractions to root canals and veneers. They are known for their friendly, compassionate team and efficient service. View customer testimonials about this dentist online, or call (502) 955-1606 to discuss your needs.
