
A deck is a prime spot for relaxing, entertaining, and spending quality time with family, so keep it as safe as possible. If you’ve had your deck for several years or it shows visible signs of wear, it might be time for a renovation. Luckily, a custom deck builder can restore its original appeal. Use this guide to look over the surface and prepare for an appointment with a contractor.

How to Inspect Your Deck for Damage

The deck surface often sustains visible damage because of its exposure to the sun and inclement weather. Look for rot, which appears as stains and softened wood that you can break off with your fingers.

Then, check the railings. Since people can lean on them, unstable sections are safety hazards. Lightly apply pressure to the posts to see if they wobble.

Finally, examine the deck’s support structure, including the posts that stand vertically beneath the surface. Moisture can collect where the joists and beams meet the deck, leading to rot and discoloration.

Repairing vs. Replacing a Damaged Deck

Whether your deck needs repairs or replacement depends on the extent of the damage and the safety risks it poses. Localized issues, such as a few rotten planks on the surface, can be individually repaired. Cracking or weathering on the surface may also be repaired. Similarly, a deck builder can replace loose or wobbly railings without compromising the existing deck.

Custom Deck BuilderHowever, if you notice extensive rotting at the bottom of the deck or anywhere on the beam and joists, contact a custom deck builder for full replacement. A weakened support system is hazardous and could lead to sagging and collapse. While one or two posts can be replaced, the contractor may need to rebuild the structure if all posts are rotting. Similarly, it’s often impossible to repair rotting beams and joists without dismantling the entire surface.

For the best and safest course of action, always get a second opinion from a custom deck builder when you spot any damage. Professionals conduct a thorough assessment of the structure’s condition to help you reach a decision.



Turn to Bulldog Contractors when you suspect any problems with your deck. Serving Lakeville, MN, Centennial, CO, and Plano, TX, they have over 100 years of combined experience in the construction and restoration business. Whether your deck is mildly damaged or needs a total makeover, their contractors will have it repaired quickly and efficiently. Call (612) 799-8707 to reach their Lakeville location, (303) 991-2487 for Centennial, or (469) 757-8571 to discuss a project in Plano. Visit their website to learn more about their custom deck builders.
