
Your tooth is made up of layers. The outer layer is the hardest, but at the center of the tooth is soft tissue and nerves called the pulp. When the pulp is infected, you need a root canal to clean out the tooth and cap it with a supportive crown. This procedure has a scary reputation, but it’s actually simple, comfortable, and healthy. Here are the facts behind root canal myths.

Why Is a Root Canal an Easy Procedure? 

1. Receive Anesthetic

Modern anesthetic options have come a long way since the early days of the root canal. Today, you can receive anesthetic through an IV, keeping you completely numb so you won’t feel any discomfort during your procedure. Even recovery isn’t as difficult as you might imagine; a root canal removes the damaged nerves inside the tooth, so there’s little discomfort.

2. Prevent Infection

root canalIf you need a root canal, you probably already have a severe toothache. Infected tooth pulp can be very painful. Even if you can’t feel the tooth, if the infection spreads, it can cause inflammation and pain in the gums and neighboring teeth. Having your dentist clean out the tooth relieves existing pain and prevents future discomfort and damage.

3. Save Your Tooth

A tooth that has been infected is already badly damaged. There are few options for treating it, and simply leaving it in place would risk infecting the other teeth. In the past, you might have needed a tooth extraction. Today, however, dentists use root canals to save the tooth. This will help you preserve your natural smile as long as possible, which is healthy for your bite because it keeps other teeth from shifting into the open space.


If you're worried about a tooth infection, make an appointment with Larry G. Hubbard, DDS. Based in Statesboro, GA, this dentist office has served Bullock County and the surrounding area since 1978. Dr. Hubbard has decades of experience not only as a dentist but with explaining dental treatments and insurance options to patients. For an appointment, call (912) 764-9891 or get in touch online.
