
Regular breast cancer screenings can help to identify any signs of the disease while it is in the early stages and more likely to be successfully treated. If you have a strong family history of breast or other types of cancer, screening can be incredibly beneficial. Self-exams are often recommended to all women, as they can easily be done at any time to look for changes in the breasts. Below, learn more about the importance of completing breast self-exams and how to perform an exam. 

How Often Should You Complete a Breast Self-Exam?

When used in combination with other breast cancer screenings, such as physical exams, mammograms, ultrasounds, and MRIs, a self-exam can increase the odds of early detection. Examining your breasts at least once a month allows you to familiarize yourself with the size, shape, and color of your breasts. This way, it can be easier to detect any changes. 

If you are still menstruating, wait a few days after the end of your period to perform the exam. This will give your breasts, which may be swollen and tender, time to return to normal. Non-menstruating women can simply pick any day to perform their self-exams each month.

How Is a Self-Exam Performed?

Start by standing in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Visibly look for changes in your breasts, including a rash, redness, swelling, dimpling, puckering, or bulging skin. Also, check the position of the nipples and whether they have become inverted or are leaking watery and milky fluids or blood. 

Next, lie down and use the first few fingers on your hand to apply a smooth, firm touch to your breast. Keep your fingers flat and move them in a circular motion across the breast. Make sure to cover the area from the collarbone down to the top of the abdomen and from the armpit to the cleavage. Start with a light pressure to feel the layer just beneath the breast and increase the pressure to reach the tissue in the middle and back of the breast.

Repeat these steps on your other breast, and then again on both breasts while standing or sitting up. Write down your findings in a journal, so you can note any changes from month to month to discuss with your doctor. 

Take control of your health by scheduling a physical breast cancer screening with the professionals at Paula Korn ANP every one to three years. For nearly 40 years, this medical center has provided personalized health services to women in Anchorage, AK. They are experienced in helping with everything from breast health to pregnancy. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and schedule an appointment today by calling (907) 277-2597.
