
Corrosion causes the metal to deteriorate, marring its appearance and weakening it to the point that it can develop holes or break. Luckily, this chemical process can be prevented through plating with corrosion resistance. Learn below about five common types of corrosion you should safeguard against.

What Are the Different Types of Metal Corrosion?

1. Pitting 

Corrosion can also occur in small, select areas. Pitting corrosion results in a small hole. It may occur when the area in question becomes anodic, positively charged, while the surrounding metal becomes cathodic, negatively charged. The resulting reaction creates a hole.

2. Crevice

Another type of localized corrosion, crevice corrosion, is likely to affect protected areas like under bolt heads and gaskets. Since these spots have limited exposure to oxygen, they are subject to shifts in pH. The imbalance of ions in the protected area versus the surrounding area creates the chemical reaction contributing to corrosion.

3.  Generalized 

corrosion resistanceUniform or generalized corrosion occurs across the entire surface of a structure. Broad exposure to moisture is frequently to blame. This creates a chemical reaction that wears away the metal.

4. Stress

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is most likely to occur at elevated temperatures. It occurs under tensile stress, for instance, if a metal structure is supporting a heavy load. When temperatures go up and down rapidly, the metal expands and contracts. This, combined with the tensile stress, causes fine cracks and corrosion.

5. Galvanic 

This type of corrosion occurs when two electrochemically different metals are located next to one another. A so-called galvanic couple occurs when one metal becomes the anode and the other cathode. The positively charged metal corrodes rapidly while any corrosion in the negatively charged metal is slowed. 


Plating with corrosion resistance prevents chemical reactions like those described above. Porter-Guertin Co. of Cincinnati, OH, is an industry leader in plating services of all kinds. Their team offers chrome plating, nickel plating, metal finishing, and more. They cater to both large and small projects, using cutting-edge technology to create top-quality products delivered directly to their customers. To discuss your corrosion resistance needs, give them a call at (513) 241-7663 or fill out their online contact form.
