
For business owners, the amount of time spent on a task is just as crucial as its completion. Therefore, to increase your bottom line and reputation, you’ll need to increase productivity and efficiency. If you’re hoping to get your operation running more smoothly, consider these workforce optimization tips.

How to Improve Workforce Optimization

1. Turn to Automation

Many normal operations now seem outdated in the workplace, such as punching in with a time card. If you could instead monitor the arrival of employees by the time they log in to their computer, you could save them a few minutes and ensure they start working on the dot. Other automation solutions include bringing up a client’s information on the computer screen as soon as they call, and automatically adding the topic of their call into their records. This will hasten future interactions and show them how well you’ve been paying attention.

2. Integrate AI

workforce optimizationIn many cases, humans aren’t the ideal communicators. That’s why so many businesses are turning to artificial intelligence to find out what their clients need before fulfilling these requests with real-life employees. For example, if a customer is having difficulty signing into their account, a 30-second interaction with a voicebot could leave them with clear instructions for retrieving their information. If they still need help, they could be directed to a customer service representative. This would shorten hold times, tide the flood of emails from frustrated clientele, and keep your team more productive.

3. Monitor Productivity

When employees are paid based on the time they put in, getting the maximum amount of work done may not be their priority. While you don’t want them to hurry through their workload, you should keep them aware of their productivity. By installing KPI software, you can use key performance indicators to monitor the deadlines they’re meeting, and the quality of the work they’re completing. This will remind your teams that their performances are being observed, and that the more productive they are, the more they’ll be respected by their superiors.


If you’re interested in learning more about workplace optimization solutions, turn to Hamilton Business Technology Consulting, LLC. They offer a number of phone and internet systems for businesses throughout the Charlotte, NC, area. As a telecommunications provider, you can turn to this firm for a wealth of options, from VoIP systems to hosted PBX. To learn more about their innovative offerings, visit their website. You can also call (704) 445-4804 to speak with a team member about your needs today.
