
If you need high-risk insurance coverage for your vehicle, it’s wise to know your options. When insurers classify you this way, purchasing an auto policy means spending more money. These questions and answers might help you get more value for your dollar as you’re shopping for insurance.

4 High-Risk Insurance Questions Drivers Often Ask  

Who is considered high risk?

Generally, drivers with DWI or DUI convictions, multiple points on their licenses for moving violations, and young or inexperienced drivers are classified as high risk. People with poor credit histories may also receive this rating. The bottom line is insurers charge higher premiums for coverage or may refuse to issue policies to drivers they view as risky. 

How can I lower my high-risk premium?

high-risk insuranceSome insurance companies doing business in Ohio offer drivers reduced rates for completing a defensive driving course. The state gives drivers a two-point credit on their driving records if they have less than 12 points and complete an approved remedial course.

Obeying traffic laws and going three years in a row without getting a ticket can help lower your rates.

Why is this insurance crucial?

While high-risk coverage costs more than standard-rate insurance, it enables you to comply with the state’s motor vehicle and insurance laws. If you’re caught driving an uninsured vehicle, your driver’s license can be suspended.

How can I find the insurance I need?

Before you lease or purchase a vehicle, compare insurance rates with several companies. Prices and coverage terms differ between insurers, and they charge more for certain makes and models of vehicles. Consulting an independent insurance agent simplifies your search process because they offer policies from a wide variety of insurance companies.


If you need high-risk insurance coverage to get back on the road, an independent insurance agent can help you. Ohio Insurance Center Agency provides high-risk insurance, SR-22/bond insurance, and other policies for residents throughout the Greater Cincinnati area. Working with multiple providers, the agency helps Ohio customers find the best possible coverage options and rates. To talk to an agent about what you need, call (513) 522-6300 or visit the company’s website.
