
Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily help you maintain a healthy mouth. Biannual appointments with your dentist also remove plaque and prevent decay. However, a few routine activities can work against these efforts. Here are a few ways to protect your oral health from lesser-known culprits of decay.

What Habits Increase the Risk of Cavities?

1. Using the Wrong Tool

Brushing your teeth vigorously with a hard-bristled toothbrush damages the enamel on your teeth. This layer protects from decay, so over time, this increases the risk of cavities. 

Unless your dentist recommends otherwise, opt for brushes with soft bristles. These effectively clean the surface of the teeth without wearing down enamel and irritating your gums.

2. Taking Certain Medications

dentistSaliva naturally washes away bacteria, helping prevent the acids they create from leading to decay. Numerous prescription drugs, including antihistamines, antidepressants, and muscle relaxants, can cause dry mouth. If you experience dryness, talk to your doctor about potential medication replacements.

Some over-the-counter medical products, such as vitamins in gummy form and cough drops, contain sugars, including sucrose and glucose. These sugars remain in your mouth after you ingest them. To reduce the risk of cavities, rinse your mouth after taking sugary medicine.

3. Maintaining High Stress Levels

Maintaining high levels of stress continually contributes to strokes, heart attacks, and diabetes. Since chronic stress weakens the immune system, it also increases the risk of oral conditions, including gum disease.

If you need an excuse to relax, protecting yourself from tooth decay is a valid one. Try meditation, yoga, or exercising when you feel anxious.



When it’s time for your next teeth cleaning, turn to the caring and experienced team at Downtown Dental Center in Atlanta, GA. These dentists have served the community for over 25 years, educating patients on ways to protect their smiles. At their clinic, patients receive high-quality, individualized services in a safe and comfortable environment. Call (404) 577-0868 to schedule a teeth cleaning appointment, or visit their website to learn more about their full range of dental care services.
