
Many people prefer the simplicity of a laminate countertop, which has been a popular option for decades. Especially in a room like a kitchen, where messes and spills can occur frequently, it is important to know the proper approach to cleaning.

5 Tips for Cleaning a Laminate Countertop

1. Wipe Up Messes Immediately 

It’s easy to get busy cooking dinner or setting the table and forget to clean a spill on the counter. However, every second counts when tackling a spill. Keep some napkins or a soft cloth nearby just in case you need to tackle a mess quickly.

2. Clean Grease With a Specialized Solution

countertopMany household cleaning brands offer solutions specially made for greasy, laminate surfaces. If you don’t want to buy one, you can make your own at home—mix water and vinegar at a 50/50 ratio. Avoid using bleach as it can discolor the material.

3. Wipe Down Daily

Even if a spill doesn’t occur, the daily accumulation of moisture and food particles also needs to be removed from the laminate. When you’re done cooking, wipe the counter with some mild liquid detergent at the end of each day. Don’t use too much water, as it could seep under the material’s seams and cause it to bulge and break.

4. Clean Seams With a Toothbrush

Seams can be tricky to tidy up, especially when you’re worried about getting water in them. A moist, soft-bristled toothbrush is best for bringing a delicate approach and unique angle needed to handle this task. 

5. Clean Drink Stains With Baking Soda

Tea and coffee stains are common kitchen issues, and homeowners with laminate countertops should mix a tiny amount of baking soda with a household cleaner to wipe these stains away. Baking soda can leave fine scratches if applied too heavily, so the less, the better—you can always add more for a future cleaning if the first try doesn’t work. 


When you’re looking for laminate countertop selections, choose A-1 Linoleum & Carpet Inc. in Lincoln, NE. For over 45 years, this family-owned business has been providing laminate flooring and countertops, as well as carpet, tile, and more. They also offer a one-year warranty on labor, so visit them online or call 402-464-3125 to add something beautiful to your home.
