
If you notice that your child has an overcrowded smile, there could be a number of issues at play. For example, their jaw may be too small to fit their teeth properly. Fortunately, by understanding why this happens and how this problem can be treated by a dentist, you can prevent dental complications down the line. Here’s what you need to know. 

A Guide to Crowded Teeth in Children

What is overcrowding? 

Also known as dental overcrowding, this issue occurs when there isn’t enough space for permanent teeth to grow in straight, leading to a crooked smile. Sometimes, only one or two anterior teeth are slightly rotated. In more severe cases, most of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw are overlapping. 

What causes this issue?

dentistSome kids are born with a smaller jaw due to genetics, while others have extra-large teeth, causing twisting or overlapping. Additionally, there may be overcrowding due to a child losing a primary tooth too early. As a result, the empty space will get filled by other teeth. 

How can you fix overcrowding? 

While there are several treatment options, Invisalign® is becoming increasingly popular. A dentist can provide your child with invisible, removable aligners to correct alignment issues, including overcrowding. The aligners are replaced every couple of weeks, and they need to be worn around 22 hours a day. 

What happens if overcrowding goes untreated?

Unfortunately, overcrowding can lead to a number of dental complications down the line. For example, their bite will be affected, causing them to chew abnormally. In turn, their teeth will wear out unevenly. Additionally, pockets often form between overlapping teeth that are hard to clean. As a result, bacteria build up in these areas, leading to decay, cavities, and discoloration. Over time, your child may feel self-conscious about their smile. 


If you suspect that your child has dental overcrowding, contact Honolulu Keiki Dental | Kapolei. Serving Oahu, HI, their dentists have been treating patients in the area since 1982. They can help with alignment problems in children, offering cutting-edge solutions, such as Invisalign. In addition to improving your child’s smile and self-esteem, they’ll help them maintain their oral health. Call (808) 944-1603 or visit them online to learn more about their services. 
