
With summer on the horizon, taking care of your air conditioning system is imperative to your comfort in the coming months. Several issues with the HVAC system could cause your family to endure harsh summer conditions. Before calling an HVAC contractor to inspect your system, practice the maintenance tips below.

How to Practice Proper HVAC Maintenance

1. Replace the Filter Regularly

That pleated screen inside your HVAC system plays a significant role in indoor air quality. By capturing contaminants and allergens, like dust or pollen, it prevents them from circulating around your living space.

To help it perform at its best, replace the air filter every three months. If you have pets, you may want to increase this frequency. Changing the air filter will alleviate allergies for family members with compromised immune systems or respiratory issues.

2. Clean Around the Compressor

hvac contractorWhile half of your HVAC system is indoors, the other half is located outside in what looks like a large metal box. This is the compressor unit, and it pulls in warm outdoor air for cooling. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure it has enough breathing room.

Trim nearby tree branches and shrubs, and remove lawn care items within two feet of the unit. Make sure there are no hazardous fumes near the unit, such as paint cans, to prevent scents from lingering near the unit and potentially circulate around your home.

3. Opt for an Annual Tuneup

If you haven’t noticed any issues with your AC, you might be tempted to let that annual tuneup slip by. However, this appointment is essential to the service life of your system.

The HVAC contractor will straighten bent fins, replace loose belts, and fix any other worn-down components. This way, your system is functional and efficient, which will help it live longer and prevent breakdowns during the warmest months of the year.



If you’re looking for a professional opinion on your maintenance efforts, turn to CJ's Quality Air Systems. Based in Port Orchard, WA, these HVAC contractors have over 20 years of experience. Whether you need repairs or a full upgrade, they will assess and fulfill the needs of your residential or commercial property. To learn more about their products and services, visit their website. Call (253) 857-5220 to request a free estimate.
