
Consumers are increasingly likely to shop online for the products they use every day, so it makes sense for more businesses to launch their own ecommerce stores. However, doing so requires some careful planning, from finding the right ecommerce software to actually marketing your products. Here are three of the most essential steps.

How to Launch an Ecommerce Store

1. Find the Right Technology

The ecommerce software you choose to set up your store can make a huge impact on how successful your business is. Not all businesses are well suited for a ready-made solution. Make a list of necessary features and compare options, or work with a provider that can tailor a custom solution to fit your exact needs.

2. Handle Your Logistics

ecommerce softwareRunning an ecommerce business isn’t just about creating an online store. You also need to handle the shipping and fulfillment side.

Before you actually launch, determine if you’ll handle those aspects inhouse or outsource them to another provider. You also need to think about timelines for processing orders and return policies, so buyers know what to expect.

3. Market Your Site

You can have an incredibly well-built site and seamless shipping processes and still fall short if no one actually buys your products. To get the word out, start an online newsletter, promote your items on social media, or invest in advertising.

You may want to start marketing before actually launching your site to build buzz, but continue doing so once everything is up and running so you can keep bringing in new customers.


If you’re looking for custom ecommerce software for your new shop, UCXmarket in Chicago can help. The company provides a marketplace for a wide array of tech solutions, including cloud storage, data management, and ecommerce software. The platform offers high tech solutions to connect buyers and sellers in the most efficient way possible. Visit the website to browse options, or call (312) 448-6064 to speak with a team member about your ecommerce needs.
