
An IVF treatment is also known as in-vitro fertilization, and it’s a fertility solution that’s offered to couples who are experiencing difficulty conceiving. The sperm and egg form an embryo in a lab, which is carefully placed into the uterus in hopes of conception. If you’ve scheduled a treatment, here’s what you can expect once it’s finished.

3 Normal Side Effects of IVF Treatment

1. Mood Swings

Since the IVF treatment requires taking hormones to start ovulation, you may experience period symptoms, such as cramping and mood swings. These side effects are completely normal. If you feel your mood changing, do what you can to make yourself feel better. You can go for a walk, watch a funny movie, take a relaxing bath, or chat with family members to lift your spirits.

2. Fatigue

IVF treatmentYou may experience fatigue from the fertility drugs you’ve been taking to increase your pregnancy chances. If daily tasks have become challenging because of treatment-related fatigue, lay down with your eyes closed or take a nap. If you aren’t sleepy, listen to soothing music or watch TV while you rest.

3. Nausea

Taking hormones and fertility drugs may result in occasional nausea. While you should notify your fertility doctor if you experience severe nausea symptoms, there are several steps you can take to soothe mild cases at home. For example, eating dried ginger, drinking peppermint tea, and practicing deep breathing are easy ways to alleviate queasiness.


The compassionate team at IVF HAWAII helps their patients through every step of the treatment, including after care. Although the procedure is minimally invasive, they’ll create a plan to help you manage any uncomfortable symptoms, like nausea and fatigue. Visit their website to get more information about their services, or call their Honolulu office at (808) 538-6655 to schedule an appointment.
