
Due to gym closures and social distancing guidelines, the statewide stay-at-home order has made it challenging for many people to complete their regular workouts. Fortunately, online fitness classes guide your workouts from the comfort of your own home. Online training not only helps you stay in shape, build muscle, and improve flexibility, but also brings additional benefits during this difficult time. Review some of these below to motivate yourself to join a class.

Why Is Online Fitness Training Important During the Stay-At-Home Order?

1. Experience Community 

During the stay-at-home order, many people miss social interaction. Virtual training helps fight feelings of loneliness and isolation. Fitness classes allow you to see others, communicate, and experience community as you stretch, lift weights, and move your body under the instruction of professional trainers.

2. Improve Mental Health 

fitness classesThe COVID-19 pandemic has caused many people to feel especially stressed and anxious, which takes a toll on mental health.

Regular exercise releases mood-boosting endorphins, which reduce depression and anxiety symptoms. Knowing that you’re staying active and working on your body may also improve your self-esteem. 

3. Boost the Immune System

Studies show that regular exercise boosts the immune system, which assists the body when fighting infections and viruses. By removing bacteria from the airways, it reduces the risk of contracting respiratory illnesses. Online workouts promote overall health, giving your immunity the tools it needs to stay in top shape.



Stay safe, healthy, and physically active with online workouts from Phoenix A+ Coaching. Based in St. Louis, MO, this gym provides online fitness classes, coaching, and instructional videos to clients. Their fitness trainers give individualized feedback on form and performance during workouts to help you improve. Call (314) 449-1172 to sign up for their six-week transformative challenge, or visit their website to learn more about what’s included in virtual personal training classes. 
