
You might have come across the term “lawn aeration” if you’ve been reading up on how to maintain your landscaping. The process involves getting air into the turfgrass to allow it to breathe better and thrive. If you’re still on the fence about getting this service from your landscaper, here’s how it can make your lawn healthier, thicker, and more beautiful.

How Does Lawn Aeration Work?

Over time, foot traffic on your lawn can cause soil compaction. When this happens, grassroots don’t get enough water, nutrients, and air, leading to thin, patchy lawns. 

Aeration is a landscaping process that creates holes in the lawn. Special equipment is used to pull out cores of soil, which are 2 to 3 inches in length. This technique generates enough open space to let oxygen and nutrients flow through the roots. 

What Are the Benefits?

Reduces Thatch Buildup

landscapingThatch pertains to the parts of dead grass that haven’t broken down yet, becoming possible breeding grounds for insects that promote diseases. Aeration reduces the buildup of thatch and keeps infestations at bay. 

Decreases Puddling

Soil compaction can lead to moisture puddling on the lawn. Not only is this unsightly, but it can also attract mosquitoes, damage the grass, and compromise your home’s foundation. Aeration allows the turfgrass to absorb water better, reducing the chances of having standing water on the lawn.

Promotes Healthier Turfgrass

When grass is aerated, air, water, and nutrients flow more freely into the soil. The grass gets easier access to the sustenance it needs to thrive. Although the aeration holes might not seem like much, they can result in lusher and greener vegetation that can immensely improve a property’s curb appeal.


When residents in North Pole, AK, and the surrounding areas need reliable landscaping services, they turn to Down to Earth Landscaping & Snow Removal. These landscape contractors are skilled and knowledgeable in lawn maintenance, hydroseeding, shrub trimming, and aerating. You can count on them to give your yard a manicured appearance. Call (907) 488-4232 or visit their website for more information about their services.
