
Your car's electrical system consists of several critical parts, including the battery, starter, and alternator—all of which work together to power the vehicle and its electrical features. Sometimes, these components can have malfunctions that require car electrical repair. Here, learn more about a few of these issues and their causes.

3 Signs You Need Car Electrical Repair

1. Burning Smell

Noxious fumes or burning odors inside your car are often signs of a short circuit, which can be caused by melting electrical wire coating. If you smell burning while driving, pull over to prevent more damage. A short circuit can be the result of improper installation of electronic components, seeping water, or collision damage that dislocated electrical insulation.

Ignoring this problem can cost you more than repairs. If left unaddressed, it could cause some parts of the car to ignite and catch fire. An electrical repair technician can determine the source of the problem and fix it for you.

2. Engine Won't Start

car electrical repairThe car's starter is the mechanism that ignites the engine. A malfunctioning starter often makes a clinking sound when you turn the ignition key. If there is no audible click, the starter might be damaged, or the electrical current available to turn over the engine may be insufficient.

This problem can happen because of overloaded car circuitry or faulty wiring, which should be inspected thoroughly by professionals.

3. Dim Lights

Headlights and turn signals are essential for safe driving as they allow you to see the roadway at night and help other motorists know when you are switching lanes. These tend to get dim or go dead when there is loose wiring or short circuits within the electrical system. If your lights die, have them checked by an auto expert.


When you need car electrical repair, count on Cabarrus Import Service in Concord, NC. This auto service shop has been in the industry for 25 years, offering reliable auto repairs to get you back on the road as soon as possible. Their trained mechanics can perform engine, brake, electrical, and transmission repairs on both foreign and domestic vehicles. For more information about their services, visit their website or call (704) 793-4122.
