
Whether you're heavily involved in gaming or just participate on occasion, some of the most exciting options available right now are AR and VR games. Both offer exciting, immersive experiences that go far beyond sitting in front of a screen—usually encouraging you to participate more physically in the story being told. However, there are some differences between the two, as the guide below explains.

AR Games

AR stands for augmented reality. These games, like Pokemon Go® or Wizards Unite®, encourage you to interact with the real world, but overlay game mechanics, characters, and graphics on top of it.

VR GamesAR also isn't limited to games; there are many applications for this technology, such as providing instant access to information about your environment. For example, there are apps that allow you to visualize furniture you have not yet purchased inside your living space to see if you like it or if the dimensions will fit. Others allow you to test out makeup or hairstyles.

In addition to playing on your phone, you can find AR glasses on the market. 

VR Games

VR stands for virtual reality. These experiences are designed to temporarily block out the sights and sounds around you and replace them with new, virtual ones.

VR games use headsets that completely cover your eyes, replacing your view of your surroundings with the world of the game. As you move your head and body, the view shifts naturally, so you'll feel as if you're really in this other world. There are many different genres of VR experiences—from escape rooms to racing simulators.


If you're looking for an immersive VR game experience, drop by KaboomVR in Denver, CO. Their collection of 15 VR machines includes access to adventure, horror, music, and multiplayer experiences. For traditional gaming, they also have a PC center, where each computer is equipped with a dedicated one-gigabit line to eliminate lag. For questions, call (970) 458-5601. Learn more about their offerings on their website.
