
When faced with an upcoming root canal, many individuals might be fearful, especially if they don't fully understand the process. But root canal procedures are common, and like many dental treatments, your dentist likely performs them several times a week. Here’s what you should know about this procedure.

A Guide to Root Canals

What is a root canal?

Contrary to its name, a "root canal" is not a treatment, but the natural cavity within the center of a tooth that houses blood vessels, nerve tissue, and cells known as the pulp. The actual procedure, known as endodontic therapy, can save damaged or infected teeth by eliminating bacteria within the canal, removing any existing infection, and preventing reinfection. 

When is a root canal required?

dentistYour dentist will typically recommend endodontic therapy if you have a cracked tooth or cavities that extend deep into the tooth and gumline. Other reasons include decay that has penetrated the outer layer of the tooth or severe tooth pain, typically indicating an infection in the pulp.

What happens during endodontic treatment?

Endodontic therapy is similar to a routine filling and can typically be completed in one or two appointments, depending on the severity of the infection. Before the procedure, the dentist will provide a local anesthetic to prevent pain or discomfort.

They will then remove infected pulp tissue through a small access hole drilled into the surface of your tooth. Once the canal has been decontaminated, they’ll fill the hole with adhesive cement before applying a crown or filling to prevent decay.

Are root canals painful?

Due to numbing agents administered by your dentist, root canal procedures are rarely painful. The procedure itself is designed to alleviate pain, and many patients notice relief as early as their first treatment.

Like any serious dental procedure, there’s the chance of swelling and discomfort after the anesthetic wears off. However, the pain is typically mild and can be managed using over-the-counter medications.  


If you're experiencing tooth pain, contact Valley Family Dentistry in Mayfield, NY. For over 28 years, our trusted and reliable team has provided a variety of dental services, including routine cleanings, fillings, endodontic treatments, and implants. Call (518) 661-6405 to schedule an appointment with a dentist, or visit us online to learn more about our services. 
