
Many homeowners have hard water flowing through their plumbing system, which contains a high level of calcium and magnesium. While these minerals aren’t harmful to your health, they can result in costly damages to your pipes and appliances. Fortunately, water softeners provide an effective solution for eliminating hard water issues. Here are some of the biggest benefits that come with having your plumber install one.

Why You Should Use a Water Softener

1. Healthier Hair & Skin 

Hard water often irritates the skin and leaves hair dull and dry after it’s been washed. If you’ve tried different soaps, moisturizers, shampoos, and conditioners to no avail, it’s likely that the excess calcium and magnesium in your water are preventing you from having healthy skin and hair.

A water softener will filter out the harsh minerals, allowing your hair and skin to absorb more moisture for an improved look and feel.

2. Longer-Lasting Appliances & Plumbing System

plumberClogged pipes are an inconvenience most homeowners face at one time or another. However, when you have hard water, clogs may occur more frequently due to limescale buildup. Eventually, the mineral deposits can lead to corrosion in the pipes, and you’ll have to call your plumber for help with leaks or permanent damage.

The accumulation of minerals can also decrease the performance of your water heater, washing machine, and showerheads. Having a water softener will help prevent buildup and increase the lifespan of your plumbing system and appliances.  

3. Reduced Utility Bills 

With hard water, homeowners tend to pay a considerably higher energy bill than necessary. This is because calcium doesn’t conduct heat, so when it builds up inside your water heater, the appliance has to consume more energy to reach your desired temperature. In turn, your utility costs will rise.

After a plumber installs a water softener, your water heater will run much more efficiently since it no longer has to fight against the calcium to warm up your water.



If you’re dealing with the negative effects of hard water, turn to Nobles Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Services for help. Their team of highly skilled and trained plumbers will assist you in choosing a suitable water softener for your home and install it with top-notch precision and workmanship. Proudly serving residents throughout Warren County, OH, they’ve established a solid reputation for providing quality products and plumbing solutions at competitive rates. Call (513) 237-1781 to discuss your needs or visit them online for more information about their offerings.
