
If you want to share a piece of your island travels, fishhook accessories and sculptures are the perfect Hawaiian themed gift for your loved ones. Before you give them out as souvenirs from your tropical vacation, use this guide to learn about their significance.

Fishhook Origins

Ancient Polynesians originally used hooks, or makau, to catch fish, and they were fashioned from animal teeth and shells. Since makau helped the islanders supply their people with food, the hooked shape has been an integral part of their culture for many years. The reverence for fishhooks grew as they started appearing in Hawaiian legends.

For example, the demigod Maui is fabled to have reeled the Hawaiian Island chain from the water using a magical hook. Due to this legend, makau have come to symbolize good luck, prosperity, strength, and fertility.

Modern Hawaiian Fishhooks

hawaiian themed giftsToday, decorative fishhooks are primarily worn as pendants. Local fishermen have been wearing their own version of the makau for generations to signify their respect for the sea and ensure a bountiful catch whenever they go out on the water.

These necklaces are a popular Hawaiian themed gift and typically carved out of wood, stone, jade, or bone. The more decorative pendants are engraved with ancient symbols for added flair. Large fishhooks can be mounted on bases and displayed as decor in homes or offices. Regardless of whether you wear or display a makau, legend has it that the fishhook will make you strong and keep you safe.


If you want to give your family and friends fishhook necklaces and other authentic Hawaiian themed gifts, get everything you need from Hoku Traders of Hawaii in Honolulu. This retailer has provided locals and visitors with one-of-a-kind Polynesian treasures since 1945. View their inventory online, or call (808) 597-1344 to place an order.
