
Responsible vehicle owners carry auto insurance, behave courteously to others on the road, and are always in search of ways to improve their driving abilities. Nighttime driving is one essential ability that some people may struggle with, as there are a lot of challenges associated with driving in the dark. Below are a few steps you can take to prevent accidents at night.

4 Steps You Can Take to Be a Better Driver at Night

1. Make Defensive Driving a Priority

You’re more likely to run across a drunk driver at night than during the day, so be on the alert for swerving drivers. Leave plenty of following room between your vehicle and others in case of unexpected maneuvers and stops. You should also exercise caution at intersections, even if you have the right of way. If there are pedestrians in the street, ensure that you drive slowly and allow them to pass first, as it could be harder to spot them at night.  

2. Maintain Your Headlights

Headlight covers can fade or develop discoloration over the years, so have yours cleaned or the lights changed if they seem dimmer. If there is visible dirt and grime on them, pay a visit to your local car wash. Also, be cognizant of where your headlights are pointing and have them adjusted if beams are askew. A broken headlight can increase your chances of an accident at night, and this could raise your auto insurance premiums. 

3. Have Your Eyes Checked Regularly

auto insuranceNighttime driving can also be impacted by your eye health. If you currently wear glasses, keep up with regular exams so that you know your prescription is up to date. If you find it more difficult to see at night, or you experience light glares when driving, talk with your eye doctor. You could be experiencing an eye condition like cataracts or have astigmatisms in your eyes. 

4. Never Drive Tired

You may be aware of the dangers of distracted and drunk driving, but fatigued driving can be just as hazardous. Fatigued driving is particularly serious at night since visibility will already be negatively impacted. Getting enough sleep can prevent drowsy driving, but you can also consider getting a ride with co-workers or using a rideshare app if you work long hours and don’t leave until late.


Despite your best efforts, you may still find yourself in an accident because of another person’s negligent actions. In this case, auto insurance is a must, and Goggans Insurance can help you find the right policy for your needs. They work with top providers to source the best policies at the most affordable prices. They’re a family-owned agency, and you can rest assured of excellent customer service. Call to learn how you can get auto insurance in Scottsboro, AL. If you’d like more information, visit them online to get started on your free quote.
