
The sun's ultraviolet rays can cause a variety of issues for humans, their homes, and their businesses. It's important to protect yourself, and UV-resistant window coatings are a popular solution. To continue enjoying large windows without suffering from UV rays or requiring complete glass replacement, consider the following benefits of this upgrade.

Why Should You Add UV-Resistant Coating to Your Windows?

1. Increased Energy Efficiency

UV rays can heat your home or business, making the summer months a potential problem. You may notice a drastic increase in your utility bills during the warmer months, and you could be wasting energy. 

UV-resistant coatings are easily applied to glass surfaces and will deflect the sun's rays. This prevents windows from conducting heat and increasing the temperature inside your space. Coating your windows will keep your HVAC system from working overtime to cool any rooms, prolonging its lifespan.

2. Reduced Sun Damage

glass-replacement-chillicotheYou may notice that the furniture, carpeting, and other fabrics near windows fade faster than other items located farther away. This is often due to sunshine and UV rays. Before rearranging your furniture or opting for costly glass replacement, consider how a resistant coating can help.

By deflecting UV rays, you'll reduce the likelihood of sun damage to your furniture, drapes, and carpet. These rays are also known to contribute to skin cancer. Adding UV-resistant coating to your windows will protect your health, as well.

3. Increased Insulation

Aside from keeping heat away, these coatings will also retain cool air. They also create an additional insulation barrier, which is essential since windows are a leading area of thermal transfer. Come winter, they'll also help keep heat in, so you won't need to run your furnace or heater as often.

4. More Natural Light

Without UV-resistant coatings, you may keep your blinds closed more often. Without natural light, you’ll be using more electricity to keep your home or business well-lit. Coat your windows with UV protection, so you can continue enjoying brightly lit rooms and office space without worrying about damage to yourself, your place of business, or your electric bill.


If you’re exploring glass replacement options, contact Cooper’s Glass Service, Inc. This company has 50 years of service replacing and repairing auto glass and commercial and storefront glass throughout Chillicothe, OH, ensuring you have everything you need for your comfort and safety. Explore their full scope of work on their website or call (740) 775-1991 to schedule a consultation.
