
Watching your baby go through the teething process can be emotionally draining, but the friendly kids’ dentists from Pediatric Dentistry Kahala have some great tips to help you and your little one get through it all. Check out these three tips to help your baby teethe healthily:

  • Numb The Pain Of Teething Naturally: One of the easiest ways to numb your little one’s pain is by using teething rings that are specifically made to be chilled in your freezer. Frozen fruits and cold beverages can also temporarily relieve teething pain. If you need a recommendation on freezer-friendly teething toys, ask your child’s dentist.
  • Use Massage For Sore Gums: Some babies respond well to light gum massage and some don’t, but it’s worth a try. Make sure you wash your hands first and then move your finger gently in a circular motion over your baby’s gums using a small amount of pressure.
  • Check Out Baby Pain Medications: In some cases, it can be worthwhile to look into over the counter pain medications that are specially formulated for babies. Baby ibuprofen and baby acetaminophen are both effective options, but you should avoid any type of aspirin and consult a doctor if you’re not sure what to choose. 

Remember that although it can be painful and unpleasant, teething is a natural part of development and growth. It won’t last forever, and your little one won’t even remember it. For more advice regarding pediatric dental issues or to schedule your little one’s first dental visit, call Pediatric Dentistry Kahala at (808) 737-0076.
