
In this digital age, you likely use your phone for many reasons—communication, information, and entertainment. While these devices are handy, they can also lead to a form of neck pain known as “text neck” as a result of craning your head down too much. To combat this condition, follow the tips below.

3 Ways to Mitigate Neck Pain From Text Neck

1. Adjust Your Posture

Text neck occurs when you tilt your head to look at your phone, creating tension in the muscles of your neck and upper back. Instead, correct your posture. When standing with your phone, hold it up to your face, straighten your spine, and pull back your shoulders.

2. Limber Up

neck painStretching your neck and upper back will improve flexibility, reduce pain, and lower your risk of injury. A simple stretch you can do anywhere is the chin tuck: while sitting up straight, draw your head back until you feel a stretch in your neck, then elongate your neck upward. Hold for three deep breaths and repeat several times.

You can also perform an exaggerated nod to counteract too much forward neck-craning: look upward at the ceiling and let your jaw relax. Then look further back if you can and bring your lower jaw toward the upper. You’ll feel a stretch in your neck and upper back.

3. Step Away From the Phone

Spending too long staring at a screen will create neck and back pain, no matter how good your posture is. If you often get absorbed in your phone, set a timer when using it. You should get up and move at least every 15 to 20 minutes. You can also find specialized apps that will help you track how often you’re using your phone.


Dealing with neck pain because of texting, an auto accident, or other sources? Visit North Pole Chiropractic in Alaska. Led by Dr. Jack Harrison, D.C., they’re skilled at realigning the spine to treat back and neck pain. They also provide massage therapy to help you move toward a pain-free life. Learn more about their services on their website, and call (907) 488-1885 to schedule an appointment.
