
Teeth grinding, a common condition also known as bruxism, can cause headaches, jaw pain, and facial discomfort. While it’s not completely curable, neglecting timely treatment could wear down surfaces of teeth and damage fillings while also increasing pain. Consider the following before seeing your dentist to determine what might be the best approach.

How to Treat Bruxism at Home

1. Wear a Mouthguard

A mouthguard is made from a thick, plastic material that a dentist will custom-fit for your mouth. It creates a barrier between the top and bottom teeth and prevents direct contact when grinding. This preserves their condition and reduces the potential for damage, particularly when you’re asleep and unaware of your actions.

2. Reduce Caffeine Intake

dentistDrinking caffeine before bed causes your heart rate to speed up. Not only does this make it difficult to fall asleep, but it can also cause your jaw muscles to tense up. Avoiding coffee and energy drinks after dinner helps the body fully relax before rest.

3. Practice Meditation

Take a few moments to meditate before bed to help your body naturally unwind and de-stress. If you’re unsure of where to start, put on some calming music or download a meditation app. This practice teaches the mind to focus on quietude and prevents stressing out over a million different thoughts.

4. Perform Jaw Exercises

Work out that extra energy with exercise. Start by opening your mouth wide and touching your tongue to the front teeth. Next, say the letter “N” out loud. Repeat at least five to 10 times before going to bed. The movements will relax the muscles and accustom your jaw to not clench.


If you’re having difficulty with teeth grinding, reach out to the dentists at Elm Dental Care in St. Charles, MO. They provide a wide range of industry-leading services and work to ensure a comfortable experience for every client. Doctors Michael Leuchtmann and Ryan Winschel keep up with the latest techniques and utilize state-of-the-art equipment for every procedure, including dental implants, root canals, and teeth whitening. For a full list of services, visit their website. Call (636) 916-4848 to set up an appointment today.
